Our five pillars of sustainability

At Telix, our commitment to sustainability is intrinsically linked to our mission of transforming lives through precision medicine. As pioneers in targeted radiation for cancer and rare diseases, we recognize that our responsibility extends beyond medical innovation to encompass environmental stewardship and social impact.

Our sustainability strategy centres on five pillars - our 'Five Ps': Purpose. People. Principles. Performance. Planet.

This is our third Sustainability report, and describes how we have progressed on this journey to improve our performance across our five sustainability pillars. For a more comprehensive description of our policies and frameworks relating to sustainability, please refer to the Sustainability section of our website.

Sustainability governance

Robust governance underpins our approach to sustainability, with oversight cascading from Board level through to operational management. Our comprehensive Risk Management Framework integrates sustainability considerations into core business strategy, while a three-tiered governance model ensures clear accountability and effective implementation. The Board drives strategic direction and monitors performance against established targets. This is supplemented by quarterly Board reviews of material environmental risks and opportunities, ensuring regular evaluation of climate-related initiatives, diversity and inclusion efforts, and operational sustainability metrics.

During 2024 we delivered against an operational plan to capture and record data (including data integrity and assurance processes) to help us understand our environmental footprint and inform our goals for disclosure and future setting of science-based targets.