Governance at a glance

The Board of Directors is committed to achieving and demonstrating standards of corporate governance appropriate to the size and operations of Telix. It continuously refines and improves Telix’s governance framework and practices to ensure they meet the interests of shareholders and other key stakeholders.

The Board believes good corporate governance:

Learn more about our key corporate governance policies and practices in our Corporate Governance Statement at

2023 governance highlights

Governance structure

Our governance framework fosters a high-performing and respectful culture and underpins our values. Our Board Charter is central to the governance framework and embodies our purpose, strategy, and values. It documents membership, and sets out the operating procedures and allocation of responsibilities between the Board and management.

The Board, with assistance from its standing Committees, in particular the Audit and Risk, and People, Culture, Nomination and Remuneration Committees:

The Board has delegated the day-to-day management of Telix and the implementation of approved business plans and strategies to the MD & CEO, who in turn further delegates to senior management (as appropriate).

Processes are in place to ensure the delegation flows through the Board and its Committees to the MD & CEO, GET and other senior leadership, and into the organisation. The MD & CEO and GET are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Group. This governance framework also facilitates the flow of information and accountability from our people, through management levels, to the Board.

Corporate governance

Board composition as at 31 December 2023

The Board focuses on maintaining an appropriate mix of skills and diversity in its membership, including experience in the radiopharmaceuticals industry, international business, finance and accounting, and risk, compliance and people management, and gender diversity. A detailed matrix of Board skills is available in our 2023 Corporate Governance Statement, available at